I left my scarf in the cafeteria at the US
Senate on Capitol Hill.
Well, there’s a sentence I never thought
I’d say.
It was not the only surprising and
overwhelming thing that happened at OpenCon2014, an open access conference for
early career types like me.
Appreciating that readers of my blog are a
mixed audience (seriously, message me, because I would love to know who you
are!), open access is all about making research openly available. It is the strangest thing that research which
is publicly funded is then submitted to a journal, whereupon it is peer
reviewed for free by fellow scientists (for no reward, professional or
otherwise), and somehow it gets spat out the other end with a price tag. And a hefty one at that. Of course there are some editing costs. But when even Harvard University is
struggling to pay for the rising cost of journal subscription, it’s a clue that
something is wrong. You can read about Open Access on some of my other blog
Co-founder of PLoS, Patrick Brown |
OpenCon2014 was an international meeting of
175 students and early career researchers from over 40 countries in Washington
DC. Over the weekend we heard some of
the most compelling and diverse arguments in favour of Open Access, Open Data
and Open Education from equally compelling and diverse speakers. Highlights for me were Patrick Brown,
Co-founder of PLoS (Public Library of Science, now probably the biggest
completely open access journal) describing how he set up PLoS despite having no
experience of publishing. Peter Murray-Rust described the potential of text
and content-mining to actually maximize the potential of existing research. And finally, one of the most affecting talks
for me personally was by Erin McKiernan talking about what we can do as early
career researchers (she is herself one).
We spent Monday on Capitol Hill meeting relevant political figures in
the Senate. Wow. Directly lobbying HELP committee members. Awesome. In the afternoon a group of us went to the
National Institutes of Health (NIH – who fund most publicly-funded American
research) to discuss ‘openness’.
I could go on about how amazing this
weekend has been, how inspired I feel, how excited I am about the projects and
plans we have for the coming year.
But I am also scared. For one thing, I
realised the extent to which I know nothing about data management and
access. Yes, I am part of the ‘digital,
internet generation’, and have no computer phobias. But that does not mean I’m an expert. My experience of software is pretty much
limited to Word, Excel, Powerpoint and PDFs.
I have never worked on ‘code’.
Managing data is something I find incredibly challenging. Organising my data so someone else can use it
later on – well, where does one start?
In addition, I am not so much an early
career researcher as an embryonic one. I
can still count the number of publications I have on my hands. And most of the
time I am the middle-ish author. How
does one leverage preference over an open access journal when often these
decisions are made when I’ve already moved on geographically, and when I’m
authorship small-fry? And when any
publication at all is a requirement on a job application?
These are not meant to be excuses, and I
have considered how I’m going to tackle all of these (a MOOC on data
management, contacting my librarian at Yale and asking for help from OpenCon
peeps re the former, and initiating early conversations and just being bold on the email front re the latter), but
it just reflects some of the challenges facing baby researchers like me. And if we’re the keen ones, for whom Open
Access is a clear ‘Yes’, then I can understand how it seems too great a
mountain to climb for less interested peers.
The NIH |
I guess the key is to keep the fear in
check and just power on with the support of my fellow open accessers, and continue to spread the word. I really believe that open access and open
data is the only way forward, and not only that, it’s better than the current
status quo. I want my research to be useful to anyone who
wants to read and use it, and not just those who can afford to do so.
But despite any façade or game face, I am somewhat daunted. So if anyone wants to
help me on the journey, I’d be glad for the company.
(Also if anyone finds my scarf, it’s
actually the only one I brought to the USA from home and it was one of my
favourites. My neck is henceforth very
cold. It is forest green with burnt
orange flowers bought originally in Dublin.
If found, message me. Kind
regards, KRP.)